He Lets Us

Written By: Erin Richer

“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea. The Lord drove the sea back with a powerful east wind all that night and turned the sea into dry land. So the waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with the waters like a wall to them on their right and their left.” 

Exodus 14:21-22


Have you ever had this humungous vision so far beyond yourself it seemed silly to take even the first step toward it?

Have you gotten as far as dipping your toes in the water and they began to part, so you knew you must keep walking because “this just might be God?”

I’m there. Right now. In the midst of the sea.

I’m looking left and right at those waters piled high wondering what on earth I’m doing, and when those waters are going to come crashing down and sweep me and the vision away with them. But God keeps encouraging me, and so I keep doing that next right thing, and we will see… you, me, and the whole wide world.

There’s this thing that happens when we put ourselves in the midst of these big God-given visions. If we’re doing it right, we won’t be able to help but see how insignificantly small we are, and if we’re still doing it right, we can’t help but fall to our knees and worship God.

As I did that this morning, I was overwhelmed by these two truths: First, God does not need us to accomplish one single thing on this planet. If not one of us served Him, if not one of us worshiped Him, He wouldn’t be any less God. These big visions? He gives them to us as a gift and He lets us be part of His kingdom work. He gets an absolute kick out of watching us walk through that sea in awe of the waters on either side, worshiping Him in the work He’s doing.

Second, He lets us do it because He loves us.

He absolutely, astoundingly, for-no-good-reason loves us.


The One Who Stays