The Blog

We are community of believers, but we are made up of people with as many different interests and lifestyles as there are colors in the light spectrum. We love: Family, friendship, decorating, studying, fitness, cooking, and a million other things. Come explore this place where you’ll find hundreds of ways God has captivated us with not just Himself, but also with the enjoyment of living.

Encourage Kelly Moroshan Encourage Kelly Moroshan


We’re coming up on Easter. It was just one Easter ago when Covid struck fear into hearts around the world. All of the sudden toilet paper was gone and we suspected everyone of selfishness and hoarding. We questioned the morality of others based on the number of mask layers they wore—none being the most heinous offense. At the heart of it, we seemed to truly believe that our actions and behaviors could extend or shorten the number of our neighbors’ days. As if we have control over our God-given breaths which are known by Him alone.

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